Giving birth is hard work, and so is taking care of the newborn when all is said and done. And, because this newborn demands so much attention, it can often be difficult for new mothers to prioritize healing their bodies in the postpartum period.
During the 4th trimester, your body is still healing and adjusting back to its pre-pregnancy state. To help aid in the process, many moms will seek out natural and gentle ways to support their recovery. One of the best ways is a healing tradition as old as time — tea. There are many postpartum teas that offer the specific health and wellness benefits that can help you to feel better in this unique time.
But, with all the postpartum teas out there, which are really the best for you? (And, which one will you like the most?) Let's get to it!
Why Drinking Tea Helps Postpartum

From a medical standpoint, the postpartum period encompasses the first six weeks after childbirth, though the recovery can extend well beyond this time-frame. Physically, the body works to heal the uterus and birth canal, decreasing the enlarged uterus to its pre-pregnancy size, while balancing out hormone levels. And, the fluctuations in these hormones  — on top of having all the new responsibilities of caring for a newborn — can take another additional toll on your mind and body.
While there's no magic ingredient that can get you to heal quickly, drinking postpartum tea can be a healthy and easy go-to remedy during this time. Not only do these teas provide much-needed hydration, aid in digestion, promote relaxation, and support sleep — critical components of postpartum recovery — but just the ritual of preparing and getting to savor a warm (or, cold!) cup of tea can offer a moment of peace in this chaotic time.
Can I Drink Tea While Breastfeeding?
Most herbal teas in moderation are safe to consume while breastfeeding, which is why the list of postpartum teas is exclusively made up of herbal teas. That being said, it's always best to consult with a healthcare provider before incorporating new herbs or foods into your diet — not just for your baby, but for you, too!
What Are the Best Teas for Postpartum?

The best teas for postpartum depend on YOU. What benefits you're looking to get out of the tea, and of course, what you like! The last thing you need after finally being able to enjoy foods you like after nine months of pregnant is to sip on tea that you don't like.
But, since you need convenience right now, we did the work of compiling the best postpartum teas for you below:
1. Red Raspberry Leaf Tea

Red raspberry leaf tea is a great option not just for postpartum recovery, but before the baby arrives. Known for its role in preparing the uterus for labor, its benefits extend into the postpartum period by helping the uterus return to its pre-pregnancy size. Additionally, red raspberry leaf tea is rich in minerals and vitamins, including magnesium, potassium, and vitamins B and C, which support overall recovery, while helping to strengthen those uterine muscles. This postpartum tea is extra special, so we'll cover more on it in a little bit!
2. Ginger Tea

For new mothers experiencing postpartum nausea or digestive issues, ginger tea can be a soothing remedy. Ginger's anti-inflammatory and digestive properties help to calm the stomach, and help all those foods you're eating again go down more easily.
3. Peppermint Tea

Peppermint tea is another excellent choice for postpartum recovery, its main features include aiding in digestion and relieving headaches (which, there can be plenty of after having a baby!) Also, the bite that comes with peppermint tea can give you a much-needed energy boost and give you a little more alertness to get you through the day. Peppermint tea can also help reduce milk supply, if you're not breastfeeding.
4. Fenugreek Tea

Fenugreek tea is often recommended for new mothers looking to increase their milk supply. It's a traditional galactagogue, (say that 10x fast!), which is a substance that boost your milk production, actually supporting breastfeeding. But, be sure to talk to your doctor about this one, as fenugreek tea can cause some side effects.
5. Nettle Leaf Tea

Nettle leaf tea is rich in iron, calcium, magnesium, and loads of antioxidants,making it an excellent choice for a postpartum tea. That high iron content can be particularly beneficial for mothers who experienced significant blood loss during childbirth, or are bleeding a lot in the next few days and weeks after giving birth. Nettle tea is also known to support milk production and boosts energy levels, thanks to its dense nutrient profile.
6. Chamomile Tea

If you're looking to relax, chamomile tea can be a godsend for postpartum mothers. It 's a no-fuss postpartum tea that aids in better sleep while helping to calm your nerves and reduce anxiety, which there can be a lot of postpartum. Of course, we love this tea during pregnancy, too!
7. Dandelion Root Tea

Rich in vitamins and minerals, dandelion root tea — which is different than dandelion tea — can help postpartum mothers by supporting liver health and promoting digestion. Its natural diuretic properties also help to reduce water retention, a common issue after giving birth.
8. Milk Thistle Tea

Like dandelion root tea, milk thistle tea is known for its liver-supporting benefits, which is really important for mothers undergoing hormonal adjustments postpartum. Additionally, milk thistle tea is sometimes recommended to help increase breast milk production as well. But, again, consult with a healthcare provider before using it for this purpose.
9. Hibiscus Tea

Hibiscus tea — with its high vitamin C content —can be a refreshing and immune-boosting beverage for postpartum mothers who want to feel good, keep their immune systems strong, and protect their delicate baby in the process. It's also known for its potential to help with high blood pressure, a condition some mothers face postpartum.
10. Red Rooibos

Red rooibos tea is beneficial for postpartum mothers due to its antioxidant-rich, caffeine-free composition. It aids in reducing inflammation, promotes relaxation, and supports hydration. The presence of essential minerals like calcium and magnesium further assists in postpartum recovery, making it an ideal beverage for new mothers seeking to replenish nutrients and enhance their well-being after childbirth.
11. Oat Straw Tea

Yes, we had the same reaction to this as you. Oat straw is not only a type of tea...but one that's specifically good for postpartum moms. If you're battling with fatigue (which, do we really have to ask?!) oat straw tea is rich in vitamins and minerals that can replenish your system. This tea can also help with stabilizing your mood and reducing stress and anxiety. A win-win!
12. Green Tea

Although green tea is not an herbal tea and it does have caffeine, we must include it on our list. Its high antioxidant (specifically catechins) levels aid in reducing inflammation and promoting heart health, while supporting metabolism which can assist postpartum weight management. The L-theanine in green tea helps to improve your mood, and reduce stress and anxiety which can help you rest.
Additionally, the moderate caffeine content can provide a gentle energy boost without the harsh effects of coffee, helping new mothers manage fatigue. But, again, if you're breastfeeding, be sure to only drink in moderation!
What is the Best Postpartum Tea?

If you could only choose one tea that would offer the most benefits to you postpartum, we think the best postpartum tea is red raspberry leaf tea.
Here are the benefits that this postpartum tea can provide for your body after giving birth:
Support your uterine health: Red raspberry leaf is known for its uterotonic properties, which means it can help the uterus contract and return to its pre-pregnancy size more quickly. This may also help reduce postpartum bleeding, which can go on for several weeks for some moms.
Provide the right balance of nutrients: The tea is high in vitamins and minerals, including Vitamin C, Vitamin E, calcium, and iron, which are vital for postpartum recovery. These nutrients can support the mother’s health and aid in recovery after birth, and one of the reasons why many doctors suggest that you continue to take your prenatal vitamins!
Boost your breast milk production: Some believe that red raspberry leaf tea can help increase breast milk production, but it's important to note that there is no solid, scientific evidence on this yet.
Ease your tummy: It takes some time to get back to what you were eating pre-pregnancy. Red raspberry leaf tea is known to aid in digestion and help alleviate issues such as constipation, which is common after childbirth. (Though, you might want to take those stool softeners, too!)
Anti-inflammatory properties: Any swelling or muscle pain and soreness you might have postpartum can be brought down with red raspberry leaf tea, which has anti-inflammatory properties.
De-stress and relax: Is this a joke? Moms don't relax! True, but drinking red raspberry leaf tea postpartum can help with this. Remember those nutrients we talked about? This tea is rich in B-complex vitamins, which can be great stress relievers, and help you relax.
If there's any downside to drinking red raspberry leaf tea after giving birth? Like all herbal teas, there's no caffeine to get you through those sleepless nights. But, as some breastfeeding moms may be trying to limit their caffeine intake, red raspberry leaf tea can be a good choice. (Plus, you probably already had your coffee for the day, no?) ;)
What About Postpartum Tea Blends?
While there are many herbal teas (as well as green tea) that you can drink postpartum, you may have noticed that there are a lot of tea shops and brands that sell herbal tea blends that are specifically marketed as postpartum teas. You'll find many of these online: Pink Stork and Oat Mama are just a few examples.
These can be great as they combine a lot of the postpartum teas above, to give you a potion of ingredients that are specifically targeted towards postpartum. Of course, if you look at the ingredients closely, you'll likely just see that its a combination of the herbal teas above (because, that's what blends are!). They're just doing the work for you, and since new moms don't have a lot of time on their hands, one of these can be a great option. But, this comes with a hefty price tag, which may mean drinking a combination of the postpartum teas above is more in your budget, especially with another mouth to feed!
FAQs About Drinking Postpartum Tea

Can postpartum teas help with weight loss?
While some teas may boost metabolism or promote digestion, it's important to approach postpartum weight loss gently and focus on overall health and nutrition.
How soon after delivery can I start drinking postpartum teas?
Many teas can be enjoyed immediately after delivery, but certain herbs should be avoided during the early postpartum days, especially if breastfeeding. Always consult with a healthcare provider first.
Which postpartum tea is good for reducing milk supply?
Not all mothers breastfeed, and those who don't are therefore not interested in a tea that boosts milk supply, but rather one that helps to reduce it. Sage tea and peppermint tea are your go-to teas for this, and can also be a good choice when it comes time to wean your baby off the breast.
Are there any teas I should avoid during the postpartum period?
Yes, some teas containing caffeine or strong laxatives should be consumed with caution or avoided both while pregnant and postpartum, as they can affect both the mother and the baby (especially if breastfeeding). One example is licorice root tea, but your best bet is to always talk to your doctor.
How much tea should I drink per day postpartum?
For any postpartum tea, starting with 1-2 cups per day and consulting with a healthcare provider for personalized advice is generally recommended to ensure it suits your specific health needs and conditions.
Stock Your Cupboard With Postpartum Tea!

There is so much to prepare before a baby comes, and if you're a new mom, it might feel like the list never ends. But, as much as you need to get together for the little bub, it's important not to forget about yourself, either.
Though there isn't enough talk around the 4th trimester, I can tell you from my own experience that I definitely wish I knew how intense the healing process was going to be. And, had I known more about the benefits of postpartum teas, I would have had some of these options at the ready some time before my due date!
Of course, if you're already postpartum, getting you hands on some of these teas the next time you go to the grocery store (or, let's be real — order your groceries online). Postpartum tea can be an easy way to support your body at this special (and exhausting) time!